Frequently Asked Questions

At Housekeeping WA, we want to assure you that we’re the very best choice for cleaning services across Perth. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive list of frequently asked questions. If you still have queries unanswered, just get in touch.

Common Questions

Our business hours are 08:00-6:30 pm Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday are from 08:00-5:30 pm

Yes, we as a business and our teams are all fully insured and Police cleared.

Yes we are, All we ask is that you give us more than 24 hours notice prior.

Yes we do. Otherwise we can send out an individual instead of a pair.

Of course you can.

We provide all equipment and consumables, but if you want us to use your specific equipment and or consumables, that is completely fine.

Yes, we do. If you leave out your fresh linen, we will make your bed and even put the dirty linen in the wash.

Yes we can. Just leave the clothes that need to be hung out in the laundry and let us know, so we can inform our Housekeeping WA team

Yes. They all can speak, write and can comprehend all of our instructions.

Yes we can. Be sure to let us know, so we can inform our Housekeeping WA team

Most of the time we can fit you in at the last minute. If we are unable to due to other circumstances, we will try to fit you in at the earliest available time.

You sure can! Email it to us and we will pass it onto our Housekeeping WA team Or you can print it out or verbally tell our Housekeeping WA team

Yes of course, We try to send the same Housekeeping WA team to your house

Yes of course, We have plenty of our Housekeeping WA teams. You can change as frequently as you like.

Yes, Our technician “Charles” is our Carpet and Tile and grout Operator.
He is a part of the Carpet Cleaning Association of Western Australia.
He is also fully qualified / Insured and trained to become a premium Carpet Cleaner.

Yes we do, hence why we Pride ourselves of being a “One Stop Shop”

Yes, we can do ironing for you. We even pick up and drop off.

Of course.
But, try to give us 24 hours prior notice (if possible).

If you don’t want us to clean a certain room, simply let us or the Housekeeping WA team know, or you can leave that room’s door shut.

Get In Touch

Our friendly team is waiting to help you. Contact us for a personal consultation.

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House Keeping WA

If you have questions about our cleaning services,
call 08 9380 9070

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